My twin brother had a birthday in January and turned 51.
Yesterday, my 6th grandchild turned 4.
My 7 yr. old grand daughter will go on a trip this weekend with her Daddy to visit his family.
I will spend time with my 10 yr. old grandson.
I look forward to singing and leading others to worship on Sunday.
My husband of 4 yrs is sleeping in today.
My 3rd adult child has 3 children and will be hearing from the housing people soon about renting her own apartment, and moving out of our home.
I am grateful for God's timing.
I miss my 28 yr old daughter and pray she finds deep peace today.
My oldest son is an amazing master craftsman.
My youngest son is an amazing guitar player - but then again, his brother makes some terrific sounds from his guitar too.
I gave my 5th grandchild a ride home from school yesterday and we went shopping for birthday presents. He really didn't find that all that meaningful, but I hope someday he will remember that I love his personality.
I have today off from work. I am grateful that I have one day out of the week to take care of important things. I can also just do what ever I like on these days.
And the last word of this blog shall be LOVE.