Thursday, October 9, 2008

Next Stop: Unicorn Craft Fair!

I've never had enough inventory to ever get a space at a craft fair. There's excuse #1.
I'm an artist - I'm moody. Excuse #2.
No one wants my stuff. Excuse #3.
I'm too self conscious. Excuse #4.

No matter how many excuses I can come up with, God is telling me it's time. and I want to please Him the most, so I'm putting my best foot forward, and I'm going to try. No more excuses. No more trying to talk myself out of it for ANY reason. It's time. That's all.

And so I'm sanding away the pieces of wood that's been on the shelf for years, waiting for such a time as this. I'm plotting out my course. Doing my research. Listening to the pros.

And I'm just going to have FUN with this by golly! Cuz isn't that why God made me? To have fun with the gifts He's given me, and make sure it blesses Him while I'm at it.

I can do that.

Pray for me.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just for Starters

I'm starting a new chapter today.
New job
New attitude
New perspective
I'm just grateful today that I am aware of all the gifts that are coming to me. God has poured out in abundance: wisdom, joy, hope and peace. It's all real, and it's all because I put my trust in Him.